The role of a bakery in a municipal section in remote areas such as our Kaskou, in the Haitian reality a bakery, it is a very important advantage of our culture. Everyday bread, like rice, is one of the most popular and widely used foods in other cultures.
In Kaskou, nothing exists, as a foundation that can help this community, after the 2010 earthquake that hit Haiti. It was a mess, there was nothing that could help the locals. So the youth came together in an organization called Kaskou after a long reflection on the urgent needs of this community. This is how Odeka designed and created this bakery, with a dimension of 85 m2 / or 850 sqf, it was a morning in June 2011 at 10 am.
Since his birth, he has served a population of about 1500 people with a very low income of 3 HT gourdes per day. After farming, farmers have no source of income or have a hot meal every day is a major concern for everyone. The Odeka group is still in the hearts of all the inhabitants of this locality.
It’s social, economic, psychological. Socially thanks to Odeka, the bakery helps the inhabitants to create activities side by side, inculcating musical atmosphere, games, creating truly social atmosphere when there are weddings, baptisms and sponsorship festivals.
Economically, Odeka and its bakeries help people come together, they think about the cost of living, the high cost of living, the ingredients that should be put into the soil to help them on an agricultural level. Talk about the problem of insecticides that harm plants, how to invest in tillage.
Economic activity to come to the bakery to buy a small amount of money will allow them to resell to create a small economy that allows them to survive.
Psychological, mutual trust, help from everyone, coming together to live, the terms allow residents to face their worries in their lives, trust them and move forward. Focus on the essentials of life.
The bakery and Odeka touch all the settings to enter the city of Grand Goave. That is not to say that we are self-sufficient.
We aim to expand the bakery, modernize it, sell flour to its people, help the locals set up their own small businesses such as selling pastries, selling bread in their shops.
With money to get them other things they need. We aim to set up:
- An agricultural bank
- An economic cooperative activity
- A high school
- A literacy school
- A vocational school